Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to Give a Hair Scalp Massage (Video)

Scalp massage is very good to increase the blood circulation and helps for hair grow.

Melisa Brown is a licensed massage therapist specializing in Thai Massage, Shiatsu, Pre-Natal Massages for expecting mothers, Post Mastectomy Massages, and more. Brown was trained at the Educating Hands School of Massage in Miami, and the Institute of Thai Massage in New Jersey. She is currently a teacher at the Educating Hands School of Massage.

Here are some actions that you need to take note for scalp massage.
- Wash hands first
- Use circular motions on temples
- Cover all areas of the face
- Finish with fingertips

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How to prevent hair loss naturally

1) Healthy diet. 

Hair loss can be caused or aggravated by poor diet. Be sure to eat various foods made from basic foods. Involve lots of whole grains, vegetables, and quality of protein such as beans, fish, and lean poultry. Eat nuts, seeds, and avocados for vitamin E, a nutrient that keeps the scalp in good condition.

2) Reduce body fat. 
Excessive body fat can cause higher androgen levels, which are related to hair loss. Getting your body fat below 28 percent will reduce androgen and insulin production and result in less hair thinning and loss. Reducing body fat will also make your energy level soar.

3) Drink plenty of water daily. 
Drink at least 4 to 8 cups of water a day to stay hydrated and grow healthy hair.

4) Adopting healthy lifestyle.
Regular exercise and healthy sleep habits will increase circulatory and overall health, promoting healthy hair.

5) Wash your hair with Herbal Shampoo. 
Start using natural and organic shampoo or conditioner. Reduce the frequency of chemical treatment on your hair. Don’t use hot water and hairdryers or curling irons anytime you can.
6) Don’t smoke. 
Based on one report, people who smoke have been four times more prone to have grey hair than non-smokers and were more at risk of hair loss.

7) Manage stress. 
Stress one amongst the most well-known external cause of hair loss. So to prevent hair loss you need to try to control your stress. In case you experience so much stress that your hair is falling out, you might need a specialist to help you to handle your stress.