Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to Prevent Balding? Here is your answer.. :)


  1. See a doctor

    Consult a doctor to discuss your options. Besides genetics, a hormone imbalance, scalp infection, medical condition, certain medications, and even stress can all cause hair to fall out. Knowing why you're losing your hair might help you stop it.
  2. Be gentle

    Be gentle when drying your hair. Vigorous towel drying – rather than patting your hair dry – can break hair, as can frequent blow-drying, especially on a hot setting.
  3. Lighten up

    Limit wearing your hair in styles that tug hair at the scalp, like tight ponytails, pigtails, cornrows, and hair extensions. The stress on the follicles can lead to a type of permanent hair loss called traction alopecia.
  4. Use dandruff shampoo

    Use dandruff shampoos that contain zinc, which has been shown to promote modest hair growth.
  5. Stop smoking

    Stop smoking, or don't start in the first place. Researchers have linked it to hair loss.
  6. Try topical or oral medication

    Talk to your doctor about the topical solution minoxidil, available over-the-counter as Rogaine, and the oral prescription finasteride, known by its brand name, Propecia. Eight out of 10 Rogaine users stop losing hair after several months of applying it twice a day. Propecia slows hair loss and grows visible hair in about 50 percent of patients.
  7. Try laser treatment

    Try laser therapy, which may stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow to hair follicles. Some dermatologists and many hair-loss centers offer in-house sessions, or you can purchase a laser comb or brush that you use at home.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

How to Treat and Prevent Dry Itchy Scalp at Home

Attached Image


[1] If your normal shampoo is not helping to heal your irritated, dry scalp, switch to one that will. There are several out there. Use a shampoo for dry and itchy scalp. These types of shampoos are a little stronger than your daily shampoo, so be sure to follow up with a good moisturizing shampoo.

[2] While shampooing, massage your scalp for a few minutes with the pads of your finger tips. Avoid vigorously scrubbing your scalp and scratching with your finger nails. This could cause infection and make the issue worse. Also, avoid piling different products on your scalp. This could clog your pores causing more itching, thus causing more dryness.

[3] Use tea tree oil to massage your scalp. This is a natural oil that usually comes in a small bottle. It is very potent so you should use only a tiny bit. Tea Tree oil is an anti fungal oil. It is very effective in treating dry and itchy scalp and preventing infection by killing bacteria. Before you shampoo your hair, take a dab of this oil and massage it on your scalp for no more than 10 minutes. Then proceed to wash your hair as normal.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Natural Hair Treatment- Wooden Combs

Well if you don’t know then here are some benefits of wooden combs for your hair and scalp:

1 . Plastic and metal brushes are rough on the scalp. Wooden combs are soft and polished. They have a much softer feel than plastic or metal combs. If you have sensitive scalp then wooden combs can prevent bruising or scraping your scalp.

2 . Wooden combs prevent your hair from dying out because it helps to distribute oil from your scalp to hair. The sebum that’s produced on the scalp is distributed throughout the length which prevents your scalp from getting greasy.

3 . Unlike plastic, it doesn’t produce static or snap your hair. Wood has the property to not conduct electricity so it prevents damage from static.

4 . For long hair, wooden combs are best because they evenly distribute hair oils in the length. Your hair appears shiny, they give you hair an even and lustrous look.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to Give a Hair Scalp Massage (Video)

Scalp massage is very good to increase the blood circulation and helps for hair grow.

Melisa Brown is a licensed massage therapist specializing in Thai Massage, Shiatsu, Pre-Natal Massages for expecting mothers, Post Mastectomy Massages, and more. Brown was trained at the Educating Hands School of Massage in Miami, and the Institute of Thai Massage in New Jersey. She is currently a teacher at the Educating Hands School of Massage.

Here are some actions that you need to take note for scalp massage.
- Wash hands first
- Use circular motions on temples
- Cover all areas of the face
- Finish with fingertips

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How to prevent hair loss naturally

1) Healthy diet. 

Hair loss can be caused or aggravated by poor diet. Be sure to eat various foods made from basic foods. Involve lots of whole grains, vegetables, and quality of protein such as beans, fish, and lean poultry. Eat nuts, seeds, and avocados for vitamin E, a nutrient that keeps the scalp in good condition.

2) Reduce body fat. 
Excessive body fat can cause higher androgen levels, which are related to hair loss. Getting your body fat below 28 percent will reduce androgen and insulin production and result in less hair thinning and loss. Reducing body fat will also make your energy level soar.

3) Drink plenty of water daily. 
Drink at least 4 to 8 cups of water a day to stay hydrated and grow healthy hair.

4) Adopting healthy lifestyle.
Regular exercise and healthy sleep habits will increase circulatory and overall health, promoting healthy hair.

5) Wash your hair with Herbal Shampoo. 
Start using natural and organic shampoo or conditioner. Reduce the frequency of chemical treatment on your hair. Don’t use hot water and hairdryers or curling irons anytime you can.
6) Don’t smoke. 
Based on one report, people who smoke have been four times more prone to have grey hair than non-smokers and were more at risk of hair loss.

7) Manage stress. 
Stress one amongst the most well-known external cause of hair loss. So to prevent hair loss you need to try to control your stress. In case you experience so much stress that your hair is falling out, you might need a specialist to help you to handle your stress.