Monday, April 28, 2014

5 Tricks to Make Your Mani-Pedi Last Longer

1. Don't soak your nails before polishing: Soaking expands the nail plate, and it will contract back to normal size after it dries. But if you apply polish before it contracts, the polish won't adhere correctly. 
2. Apply a topcoat after you leave the salon: To extend the life of a manicure, I advise applying a coat of high-gloss topcoat.
3. Protect your hands post-manicure: Use gloves while gardening and doing dishes to help protect your polish from chipping and lifting. Gloves will also help protect your cuticles from drying out due to soil and moisture.
4. Apply cuticle oil every night: This also helps keep your cuticles from drying out. Applying cuticle oil prevents hangnails and dry cuticles, which can cause polish to peel and chip.
5. Keep your toes under wraps—and moisturize them daily:Wearing flip-flops regularly contributes to dry and dirty feet, which can ruin a pedi within a week. Apply moisturizer after a shower or soak to provide instant hydration and protection from daily assault.
The best way to moisturize your feet is with a bit of warmed lotion. Takes an extra minute to prepare, yes, but it's so worth the effort. Put about five pumps' worth of lotion (or roughly three tablespoons of body butter or cream) in a microwaveable glass container, then cover and microwave for five to 10 seconds. Work quickly, as it cools down right away, and enjoy the indulgent feeling of warm cream against your skin.

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